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Saturday 07.16.2022

Launching Cold Spring Bastille Day 2022

Mes amis, Let’s bring a little slice of France to Cold Spring!
A fun French Festival & Celebration in our beloved and historical Hudson Valley, NY. Listen to live bands, enjoy a taste of the Hudson Valley local food, beer, wine & cider, watch the storming of the Bastille and other performances, find some France-themed books and antiques, dance a little and shop a little…

Joie de Vivre guaranteed

Bastille Day is the French National Day, which commemorated the beginning of the French Revolution on July 14, 1789 with the storming of the Bastille. Known as “La Fete Nationale” and “Le Quatorze Juillet” in France, Bastille Day is marked by popular celebrations all over France, military & aircraft parades and usually ends with spectacular fireworks!